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Our Health Professionals

Meet Our Team

The Canadian Vein Institute is dedicated to enhancing the wellness of the Mississauga community by providing top-quality care for venous diseases, with OHIP support. We ensure accurate diagnoses and advanced treatments for venous conditions, alongside cosmetic enhancements via non-invasive methods. Leveraging our expert medical team and modern technology, we strive for a caring environment where personalized care meets every patient’s needs.

Dr. Guirgis

MD, Vascular Surgeon

Dr. Guirgis graduated from medical school at the University of Manitoba in 2012. He subsequently completed surgical residency training in Vascular Surgery in 2017 at McMaster University. He is currently a vascular surgeon at the St. Catharines site within the Niagara Health System, in addition to his position as clinical assistant professor at McMaster University. Dr. Guirgis practices all aspects of vascular surgery including medical, surgical, and endovascular management of arterial and venous disorders. He specializes in minimally invasive endovenous management of varicose veins. He brings a wealth of knowledge and up-to-date experience to our clinic.

Dr. Ben Musa

MD, Cardiovascular Surgeon

Dr Ben Musa graduated from University of Tripoli, Libya Faculty of medicine 1988, where he was also trained in general surgery. He completed his surgical fellowship in edinborough, Scotland. Full training in cardiac surgery at University of Western Ontario. Dr. Ben musa is a board ceritified cardiovascular surgeon with the FRCSC since 2005. He completed his fellowship for critical care with the University of Toronto in 2008. Fellowship in vascular and endovascular training at the University of Toronto 2011.

Larysa Stetsenko

RVT, Sclerotherapist